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Establishing relationships in aged care

Relationships play a key role in our lives, from personal and professional, to those bonds with friends, family and acquaintances. Whether it’s a simple chat about your day or advice on a pressing issue, these conversations and connections are important to our wellbeing and sense of self. 

As we get older it can become more challenging to create these relationships. Whether due to design or circumstance, people often already have their groups or sometimes it’s just a little intimidating approaching people and making a conversation. 

One thing we are very proud of here at Karingal Green is the way we involve everyone. We’re known to be a community where everyone is invited to take part in our activities, and importantly, get to know each other and foster those relationships. 

Here are just some of the ways we support our residents to create and nurture those relationships and promote long lasting connections. These same techniques can be used in our everyday lives.

Get involved in local events 

Our changing activity schedule is one we are proud to create and our team works hard to find new and innovative ways to keep residents moving, engaged and social! Whilst it brings many benefits for our mental health, such as a sense of belonging, companionships and interaction, these events are also a way to embrace your favourite hobby or perhaps discover a new one. From bingo, to playing a social sport or a weekly walking group, we are passionate about supporting you and encourage residents to put their names down to try them out. These local activities are a safe way to meet like minded people, who share the same passions as you, and starting a conversation over something similar is just the beginning of the friendship…

Eat meals with others 

After a long day, sometimes the last thing we want to do is sit down and socialise. Whilst it may feel easy, we highly recommend you steer away from staying in your room or in front of the TV and instead sitting at the dinner table. Whether it’s with your family members or joining us in the Karingal Green dining room, sharing a meal creates a sense of community and is a chance to talk about the day. It may only be 10 minutes, but this conversation is a lovely gentle way to connect and wrap up the day…all whilst eating your favourite meal! 

Hydrotherapy pool classes

Our Wellness Centre is available to residents for an additional fee, and is also open to the wider community. Our pool is a place to enjoy a hydrotherapy session, join an exercise program or have a one-on-one or group session, to meet friends or to simply relax. Our experienced staff will help you feel comfortable and are there to assist you throughout the class. Whilst your body will thank you for it, you never know you may also make a new connection or friend as well! This also applies to those not in aged care – reach out to your local council or community centre and see what community events are on that might interest you. Or you’re welcome to join us at Karingal Green for a class or two! You can book a class here:

Put in effort to get effort back

If you’re wanting to branch out and meet new people, this won’t happen if you sit in your room and don’t do anything about it. Whilst it can be intimidating or nerve wracking to start with, getting out of your comfort zone is where the magic happens. So push yourself to sign up to that group fitness class, write your name down for Bingo Wednesday or reach out and smile at the person sitting next to you at dinner, who knows it just may be the best conversion you’ve had in a long time. 

We always welcome friends and family to come into our home and experience a day in the life or create new relationships of your own. To find out more information, or to book a hydrotherapy class, you can go here:

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