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How to Fight the Flu this Winter

With the cooler weather now upon us, it’s important to keep an eye on your health more than ever. That means having the right tactics and strategies for when this year’s dose of flu inevitably goes around. Whether you’ve been struck down or you want to try to avoid the germs, we’ve put together some ways to help fight off the winter nasties and feel our best. It’ll help you make sure you’re able to get the most out of each day while looking after your body, both inside and out.

Over the past few years, we’ve seen the impact of what an increased flu season can look like and how easily viruses can spread. We want to make sure we try to avoid this as much as possible, from sipping on some veggie-packed soup, to getting some rest and enjoying downtime. Read on for our handy tips so you can try and fight the flu this winter.

Drink plenty of fluids

One of the best ways to try and fight off the flu is by staying hydrated. Our bodies need to be replenished regularly, and when we’re riddled with the bad stuff, liquids can help keep our respiratory system hydrated, and turn the thick mucus into a thinner liquid you can cough up and spit out – gross, but a good thing! It doesn’t just have to be water; mix things up with a soothing tea, warming broth or a fruit juice. It may be the last thing you feel like but keeping a glass next to your bedside table can act as a good reminder.

Get some rest

A key way to help bring on a speedy recovery is taking time out and staying in bed. Not only does this help keep your germs contained (rather than spreading them around at work) but it also gives your body a much-needed break and reduces stress levels. Get cosy on the couch or in bed, put on your favourite TV show or grab your favourite book. Bed rest is an oldie but goodie for good reason …

Sanitise regularly

Did you know there are between two to 10 million bacteria on your fingertips and elbows alone? If COVID has taught us anything, it’s how quickly germs can spread through touch. We recommend stocking up on some hand sanitiser, wipes and hand wash and regularly sanitising. So after you return from the shops, after you’ve seen a group of friends or simply after entering and exiting each place you visit, killing these germs is one way to help keep the flu at bay. Personal hygiene is one of the most important preventative ways to help you maintain optimal health and avoid what’s spreading in the air around us.

Considering we come into contact with 300 surfaces every 30 minutes, exposing us to 840,000 germs, keep this front of mind the next time you go to the shops or when you’re wondering about adding that extra bottle of hand sanitiser to your shopping trolley.

Maintain a healthy diet to boost immunity

You are what you eat is a real thing, especially in these cooler seasons. By increasing your fruit and vegetable intake, making soothing and comforting broths, and ensuring you are keeping up your fluid intake, treating your body like a temple is one of the easiest and most beneficial ways to give your immunity system the fuel it needs to reap all the benefits from this healthy diet. By incorporating leafy greens such as spinach and kale, or adding ginger and lemon to hot drinks, you can help boost your immune system. Add vegetables to a simple soup or put them in a smoothie for an easy way to load up on all the goodness your body craves during this recover period.

Avoid contact with people who are sick

One of the most efficient ways to dodge catching the flu is to avoid people who are sick. We may sound like a broken record, but it’s a no-brainer that by staying away from friends and loved ones when flu is circulating will protect them and you. Staying at home when you’re contagious is one of the best ways to reduce the spread so as soon as symptoms begin, say no to socialising. With tech at our fingertips, a quick phone call or FaceTime can be used to stay in touch with loved ones. Once you’re feeling 100%, we would love to see you back in our home.

From rugging up to creating heart-warming concoctions, these simple but effective strategies can be introduced into your routine during these cooler months. Keep in mind, when visiting a loved one at Karingal Green, we do require proof of your most recent flu shot before you can enter.

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