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Relaxation and stress-free time for carers

Caring for a loved-one requires emotional, physical and mental strength to ensure your loved-one is being taken care of. Being constantly available for support can sometimes be exhausting, ultimately taking a toll on your mental health. As a carer, your job is to provide the best care, whether as a Registered Nurse, carer or a devoted family member, when you’re giving all the time, sometimes there’s nothing left in the tank for yourself.

By incorporating some simple steps and activities into your routine, you can refill your cup and focus on what you do best once you’re back on the clock.

Adopt relaxation tips

The simple things in life are most important. In any job, it’s essential to clock off and de-stress from a busy workday, which can look different for everyone. Some things to help relax and decompress include:

Move your body

Got half an hour free? 30 minutes  is all it takes to release  endorphins, clear your mind and remove built up stress. Whether it’s a walk, run or attending a class, take in some new surroundings and focus on something else. Start or finish the day with your best foot forward. It’s also the perfect chance to play a podcast or listen to your favourite playlist.

Yoga, meditation or breathing exercises

There’s many ways to start getting into these practices. With so many free resources online, there’s professionals at your fingertips offering guided meditation, yoga classes or podcasts to focus on your breathing. Another option is to have a quick search of your local gym or community centre to explore classes offered. You’ll be surprised at how a few minutes each day can help you achieve greater peace of mind.

Speak up

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, reach out to a friend of family member and chat about your day or workload. Having a close community  to confide in is a blessing and they can provide the support you need on those tough days.

Go easy on yourself When you’re run down and overwhelmed, you sometimes put too much pressure on yourself to be the best. Understand no one’s  ‘perfect’  and if you’re doing the best you can, it’s all that matters. It’s important to give yourself a break. Caring is an extremely demanding job. You’re doing the best you can.

Consider respite care at Karingal Green

You might find it hard to see your loved-one in someone else’s care, but taking a break and utilising the resources around you can be the best thing you can do for yourself. At Karingal Green we offer numerous respite care options, whether it’s for a few hours, an overnight stay or a number of weeks, respite care can give you time you need to recharge your batteries, while your loved one meets new people in a safe and caring environment.

Day-stay respite care

Our day-stay respite care is the ideal solution if you need a short break, once a week or monthly. Your loved-one can take part in social and recreational activities at our home throughout the day or for longer overnight stays. Our staff are trained to support those who come in for short-stay respite.

Residential respite care

You might require a longer break for a holiday or another important event, but if your loved-one needs help every day, they can move into Karingal green for a short stay to receive respite care. Whether it’s for  couple of weeks or longer, this is the ideal solution when you need some help or a much-needed break.

Our staff have been trained to support these situations and we want you to feel comfortable with the respite care you choose. Before deciding, we welcome you to get a feel for our services and observe our interactions…at the end of the day your loved-ones safety and comfort is our top priority.

Caring can have many rewards and incorporating these ideas into your daily routine can make you feel and work your best.

To find out more  about the many services we offer for both carers and residents, visit our website or get in touch.
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